How Cruising Ratings are Updated


The Cruising Class rating for a boat is updated each time the boat races in the cruising class. The formula for calculating the updated handicap rating is the following:


HC = .15 * (( TC – TCM) / Course Length in NM )



 HC = Handicap Change up or down in seconds per mile

 TC = corrected elapsed time of boat

 TCM = corrected elapsed time of the median boat in the race results


The rating for a boat at the start of the race will be adjusted by the handicap change, and the new rating is updated in the CYC Master Boat file, and will be used as the starting rating for the next race the boat sails in at CYC.


The revised ratings are posted after every race on the race results bulletin board outside the front door of the club. The latest cruising rating for all boats with a cruising rating are available on the web.